首页> 产品中心> JYG系列空心桨叶干燥机,污泥干燥机

产品名称: JYG系列空心桨叶干燥机,污泥干燥机


产品介绍:JYG系列空心桨叶干燥机JYG Series Hollow Biade Dryer 概述


JYG Series Hollow Biade Dryer


概述 Descriptions



★适用范围:塑料 树脂类产品 无机药品 肥料 饲料 食品 化纤 染料 淀粉 下水管污泥等产品的干燥,如:氯乙烯 树脂尼龙  聚乙烯 聚丙烯 淀粉 氯化钠 砂糖 氧化铁 长石 烧碱粉末等各种粉粒及膏状料。

★ Oar drier is low speed churner drier that equipped oars inside equipment.The damp raw material is churned to ample connecting wigh hot carry and the surface can ehoruzontal,double scrolls of fore scrolls.

★ There are hot air style and transfer style two stlyles. The drying in hot style is completed through conection of hot air and material.Intranster style,material is connected with hot surface to drying,ia can prevent pollution of material.The air outlet is few,effection is high,small size,save energy and prevent pollution of air

★ It is suitabie for drying in plastic,resin,inorganic compounds machine,fertilizer,feed.drestuff,starch,mud and so on …



特点 Features

★ 设备紧凑,占地面积小,热传导系数高,热效率及佳,一般可达到80%-90%,是节能型设备。

★ 设备低转速,对颗粒状及片状物料的破碎性很小。

★ 对物料适应性广,操作弹性大,物料停留时间几分钟到几小时,可调。

★ 附属设备简单,投资少,操作费用底。

★ 一机多用,可作干燥、冷却、气体回收、反应加热(预杀菌)等工艺操作。

★ Compact structure, small occupied space, high degree of heat conducting, best heat effeat , in general heat effect is attion to 80-90%,it is a kind of device in saing energy.

★ Low speed, it is difficult to break into shaping of granule and slice raw materil.

★ To raw material ,wide use ,easy to operate and raw material is adjustable from few minuters to few hours.

★ The attachment is simple, and will save investment.

★ There is many uses by it, such as drying, cooling recoverying air, kesoonding, heating and so on.
